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Best Independent Escorts Directory in the World
Best Independent Escorts Directory
Only Independent Escorts
You are in good company. Our Directory is dedicated to Independent Escorts. We do not advertise agencies. Our visitors feel safe browsing your profile. When your profile is here, it claims to the world: "I am Independent and Quality matters to me!"
Best Independent Escorts Directory
Pages matching your personality
Unlike our competitors, you can tailor your page almost at will. Express yourself and stand out of the crowd. The limit is only your imagination.
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Best Independent Escorts Directory
Stunning Visuals
When landing on your page, not only the visitors will see your personality but they will also be welcomed by stunning visual effects of your choice. From Image zoom-in to buttons giggling, you are spoiled for choice.
Best Independent Escorts Directory
Real Humans
Oona's Directory is made by humans for humans. Consequently, you are dealing with humans and not these annoying "AI" (which are definitely more Artificial than Intelligent) bots. Talk to us, we are here for you.
Best Independent Escorts Directory
Managed Profiles
If you think that creating a page is not for you, our team can do it. We will be happy to help. You provide your images and the text you want to use. We'll do the rest.
Best Independent Escorts Directory
Individual SEO
The structure of our site allows for individual SEO. It means for you that your profile can be used and presented by Google without necessarily going through the home page. We are good at SEO and some profiles are already ranking above the original web site of our Independent Escorts.
Best Independent Escorts Directory
Member of an Elite Club
Have you ever thought of being a member of an elite club? Do you wish sometimes you could feel a sense of belonging, even as a Courtisane? Here you are! Oona's Independent Escorts Directory is for you. To be listed here we will ask you to be able to articulate a presentation, display high quality images and offer a window to the world that attract the eyes and the mind. No silly quality images and absurdly short presentation in here. We are aiming at elevating the quality of the service, and it starts right in your profile page. Shall we count on you ?